Our Mission

West Coast Rail 250 campaigns for the following objectives:

  1. Increased capacity for passenger and freight services
  2. Faster and more frequent long distance services
  3. Improved links between local and regional centres and moves to seamless interchange with the national network
  4. Improved passenger facilities on new or refurbished trains and stations
  5. Better public transport interchange and cycle/walking station accessibility to create seamless journeys
  6. Improved local and national economic development from rail investment.



West Coast Rail 250’s activities include:

  • Direct liaison with the train companies, Network Rail and the Department for Transport;
  • Lobbying for improvements to services and infrastructure;
  • Lobbying MPs through the All Party Parliamentary Group;
  • Commissioning studies to support the economic case for rail investment;
  • Membership of Scottish Parliamentary Cross Party Group on Rail;
  • Responses to franchise consultations and direct meetings with franchise bidders;
  • Input to the Government’s Transport Select Committee proceedings, and responses to other consultations which are relevant to the West Coast Main Line;
  • General Council meetings three times per year for all WCR250 members, with industry presentations and discussions on key topics;
  • General monitoring of rail industry developments and trends.


In all its work, West Coast Rail 250’s role is to provide its members with:

  • Access to rail industry decision makers;
  • A plain English interpretation of rail industry jargon and procedures;
  • Support on specific issues affecting members’ areas.
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